Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Starting Point

I went to the Doctor (continuing migraine issues) and they weighed me. It took a crane, of course. I weighed in at 321 pounds.

My goal for the year is two-fold.

"Reasonable" goal - 280 pounds. I have found that to be a cut-off. When I am under 280, I feel lots better and can do lots of stuff.

"Hallelujah" goal - 250. Keep hope alive.

I am joining Morningside College fitness center tomorrow. They have a pool, a jogging track and other fitness stuff.


'Ric Williams said...

it is not easy because it is so easy to cheat and rationalize. i am only 237 lbs but i am considered obese at 5ft 11. some daily exercize helps and eat nothing with sugar good luck. email me in three months to let me know how you are doing. Ric Williams the gmail one. i don't check on that one.

Anonymous said...

We're visiting family in the US for the holidays. I gained, then lost and then gained again. It's pretty frustrating but we like finding and eating the fun snacks we find here that are not in Thailand.

But I've had to wrestle with controlling weight no matter where we live. We lived in Zambia for 4 years and had to diet because we were getting so fat. My wife was cooking everything, pies, cakes, cookies, hamburger buns, bread, all from scratch because you could not find it there in stores. I had never had such great food! Our weight and cholesterol went through the roof! So we had to lose weight before coming home since everyone would be thinking we were really suffering in Africa!
But I know my greatest weakness is snacking after 7pm. If I could just stitch my mouth shut every evening at 7pm I would lose tons and be "good lookin'!", and healthy.
Even though I never reach and maintain my ideal weight I find that I at least control the excess by not giving up and continuing to get rid of the fat.