Friday, February 22, 2008


I got out and ran 6 miles yesterday (ran 5, walked 1). I still am not sure how I'm going to get up to 26 in 6 weeks, but I am going to try.

My knee gave me very little trouble during the run, but is very sore today. That seems to be the pattern. Run...sore 3 again.

right now, though, the trend is up. The knee seems to be getting better. I am guessing that losing 75 pounds wouldn't hurt it much.

I HAVE A QUESTION: If anyone reads this who is more modern on these things, please respond.

Years ago, when I was a slightly more competitive runner, Runner's World magazine had an article about running with injuries. Here was their rule of thumb: If the injury gets better or goes away when you run, after a mile or so, it is safe to run on it. If it gets worse when you run, you need to quit and rest it. If you limp at all when you run, rest. I have used this rule over the years, to pretty good effect.

But I am wondering if this rule is still advocated among trainers and others. Anyone know?

1 comment:

Rex Ray said...

Please stop running before it's too late and all your cartilage is gone. Once that happens, it’s bone on bone. Believe me I know. When I was 58, I won my division in the Dallas Triathlon, but what good does a trophy do me now?

If you don’t get run over by a car, riding a bike is a lot better and even recommended by some doctors.