Sunday, March 23, 2008

A New Goal

I have a new goal. I am going to El Paso this week to do the Death March, but I have made peace with the fact that I am not going to finish. I did a 10 mile walk/jog Thursday, and it was pretty clear that I didn't have 16 miles of energy left.

Why am I going?

1) I love El Paso and the White Sands area. I fell in love with it last year.

2) Hanging out with Tommy Duncan and his dad is never boring - crazy sometimes, but never boring.

3) The Death March last year was one of the most inspirational things I ever took part in.

My plan:

1) To go as far as I can.

2) NOT to kill myself. I am not a hero.

My new goal:

Last year, I finished the race and Tommy dropped out at around the 16 mile mark. I figure if I can get past his 16 mile mark before I drop out, I will still have the 2 year bragging rights.

Is that noble? NO.
Does it make any real sense? NO.

But it is more realistic than planning to finish.

With Lowered Expectations,


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