Monday, November 12, 2007

A Bad Week in Virginia

Actually, I had a great time, seeing the Trents, my son and his fiance, and taking my son and the other kids to "College for a Weekend" at Liberty (the only college any Christian kid needs to consider).

However, traveling just seems to be the pits for eating and exercise. It was a bizarre week. We left Wednesday at 1, drove through the night and got there at 3 on Thursday. We spent Friday and Saturday hanging around Liberty, and hanging with Josh and the Trents. Then, we left and drove through the night again. Just got home around 10:30 this morning.

Lots of eating, a little exercise (walking around Liberty), but not a good way to start my commitment to become a big loser.

Oh, well. I will do better this week.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Hi I found you! I follow several blogs, and some of them are people who have successfully lost extreme poundage. One such blog is who has lost half of her body weight, from about 370 to 170 I think. She's a good writer and fun to read, which is why I read her page. You probably know the blog world well enough, I imagine.
Anyway, I just want you to know I support you and hope you make it through the cancer/west nile/back spasms/headaches. It sounds terrible, so it can probably only get better from here on out, right?
With love from Ames - Catherine