Monday, December 15, 2008

I think I'm Ten Pounds Ahead!

I haven't lost much since my last post. I have gone off my diet a couple of times (a convention trip, Thanksgiving) and have nearly plateaued. However, when I think of it another way, I can take some satisfaction.

During the months of November and December, I am usually good for 10 pounds of more of turkey, fudge and Chex party-mix pounds.

So, since I haven't gained those pounds, in reality, haven't I lost them?

It is probably that kind of logic that gets me into trouble.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Has Old Age Set In?

I have been dieting (I know, everyone says you shouldn't) and I have lost somewhere near 30 pounds, since the first of September. I topped out around 340 (that's fat, guys) and last I weighed I was down to 313. I think I've dropped a couple of pounds since then.

However, I am beginning to wonder if the effects of old age have finally started to hit me. I have not been able to run in months, because of foot and knee problems. I have been at, around or over 300 pounds for nearly a decade and I continued to run and involve myself in sports activities. Is it possible that the wear and tear has finally caught up with me? I don't know.

I am getting a elliptical machine to "run" without the pounding. We'll see what happens.